For People Who Plan Ahead - You, Family & Pets

Monday, August 30, 2010

Make Advance Plans for Shelter & Evacuation: Including Your Pets

Evacuation route sign on Tulane Avenue in New ...Image via Wikipedia
By preparing for an emergency ahead of time, you'll be better able to deal with it. Also by making sure every one in your family knows what to do, it will take some of the worry out of the situation.
Make plans for sheltering and evacuation BEFORE there is a situation for both you and your pets.
  • Designate a safe place in your home where family members could gather during a tornado (e.g., basement, downstairs restroom, lowest central room). Make sure there are no windows or glass doors in the area.
  • Should you be unable to return home, designate a safe location outside of your neighborhood, and make sure everyone knows where to meet.
  • Choose an individual, preferably out of the immediate area, to serve as a “check-in” point-of-contact for dependents to call in case you or your family get separated.
  • Decide where your family would go in case evacuation is required (e.g., friend, relative, motel, shelter).  Notify relatives or friends of destination. Keep maps available, and mark alternate routes to the destination that lead away from rivers, streams, creeks, etc. Obey warning signs and barricades. Find out where community shelters are located and how to get there.
  • PETS - Don't forget to include your pet or pets in your emergency plan, your pet is a part of your family too.   Shelters do not allow pets, so you should know ahead of time where you can shelter your pet in an emergency. Check with your local animal shelter or animal rescue about their emergency shelter policy. Don't wait until the emergency to find out that your pet has no where to go. 
  • If you have a small or medium sized pet, please make sure you have a pet carrier or sturdy leash.  For larger pets, make sure you have a strong leash that will not break easily and a muzzle if needed.  They can become just as frightened as you.  Avoid biting mishaps.  It makes it easier to transport your pet in an emergency, they won't be able to run away and helps to avoid biting mishaps. 
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