For People Who Plan Ahead - You, Family & Pets

Friday, April 11, 2014

What Do You Mean We Can't Go This Way???

Sometimes, the route you planned to use in case of an emergency is no longer safe or available. Make sure you have more than one route you can travel in an emergency and know the roads and streets surrounding them. Always have more than one back door out of a situation, driving routes are no exception. Remember the movie "2012" when John Cusack was driving the limo and the earthquake was swallowing the houses and cars behind him. He knew more than one route out of town and which streets would get him where. Hopefully, you won't be dodging falling buildings, sink holes or fireballs; but, you should always have alternate routes and know where they will take you. GPS systems are good as long as they are up-to-date. Notice I didn't say great, I just said good. If you've had past experiences with GPS systems, you know they may sometimes take you around Robin Hood's Forest to get to something three streets over. You should, if possible, have some knowledge of the area you are evacuating through. If you know before hand that you will be taking a particular evacuation route, research it, find out the adjoining streets, what are the main streets you can reach, how far down the road will you have to travel if you miss a particular turn or there is a detour. Put a current and up-to-date map in your glove box as added security. Nothing to make a bad situation even worse is to get lost.